
DSC04342 Hi, I am Nicole.

I am an art historian, still writing my PhD, German & married to a British husband, we lived in California for a few years (and miss it quite a bit), love living back in Europe, too, travel & explore via food and cooking, rediscovering old recipes, traditions & cooking methods. Experimenting & making things myself like Bretzel, Bagels, Vin d’orange, that raised pork pie. Basically tinkering in the kitchen.

Thejameskitchen (The James’ kitchen) started a long time ago (cough, a very long time) and never got very far because when you start at Adam & Eve = programming the thing yourself, it does get a little bit tedious. So, fast forward, start, stop, hiatus, start, stop later. One day it drove me crazy again when I could not found notes on a recipe I had cooked a while ago and changed and took a another shot and here we are. So you know: I am still searching for the little spicy pickled little pear recipe that taste so good with Cheddar, the jar is almost empty. How much better is this thing? Learning by doing, a few hick-ups here and there, botched jobs & wonky grammar. Sorry about those, have a slice of cake (Meyer lemon squares? Korvapuusti?), a cocktail and relax.

It’s thejameskitchen: everything happens in the kitchen, at the kitchen table. I do not want to be super soppy here but a lot of memories are connected to kitchens. You might remember your Oma and Opa (Grandparents) cooking with your, your parents & family gatherings, friends, first experiments, important meals, parties and disasters, alluring smells & smoke alarms you chop, you stir, you mix, knead and splatter. You break china and ruin table cloths, you spill and gather, fiddle around, brew & pickle, craft & preserve & drink and chat and this is what we do in our kitchen. This way we have a record of what we did, photos, anecdotes and memories which would get lost otherwise. Have I shown you our sausage making pictures yet? No, well, maybe soon, if you are old enough.

Have fun.


Oh, got something to say? You can do it by email, too: Feedback, critique, requests like “When are you finally telling us about the bagels or those TKO’s you have been going on about?”, greetings, just hi or what do you look like, where to you hoard all that stuff, is you husband a saint? where can I get this – all is welcome.

19 thoughts on “About

  1. Nicole,
    I am salivating looking at your photos and reading your descriptions. The details and stories behind the recipes makes for very interesting reading; your wit and charm come shining through. I feel so special to have sliced and diced with you in your amazing kitchen. Truly the kitchen for a real chef. Paul is a lucky man getting to consume the fruits of your labor. Much sucess with your blog. I will be visiting frequently. – Love ya, girlfriend,Karen (from Philly)

    • Hello Sanjana,

      thank you so much for the Liebster award nomination, I am going to read through the rules and what I have to do – I hear there is a tough interview with oneself to do. Your site looks quite yummy, too, must dash to get some pumpkin for this curry.


      • I know! Its a bit of a pain to actually think about yourself(esp when youre a mum like me) and finding the nominees thats the best part lol such huge task but every bit worth it..lovely to meet wonderful ppl like you 😊 enjoy and do let me know when you’re done.

  2. hi nicole, you have an amazing blog. you are such a good photographer! it is nice to hear a fellow blogger saying the idea of blogging has been at the back of the mind for a while and finally realizing it. we thought it would be difficult to maintain and spread our passion, but it turns out to be really fun! looking forward to more of your wonderful posts.

    • Hi you two,
      thank you so much for the praise and you are so right, it is absolute fun. You might find some familiar recipes in a while I have bookmarked quite a lot on your page – yummy, the site looks really great. N.

  3. Your blog is beautiful Nicole! I love the fact that you’re sharing both from your own German heritage and your husband’s British roots! I’m English by birth (living in the very multicultural Australia), married to an Australian of Scottish and English heritage, so we have quite a bit of multicultural food in our kitchen. Makes dinner time lots of fun! Anyway, can’t wait to read more of your archives xx

    • Hey there Laura, thanks, high praise from you: your ‘mess’ looks wonderful. Yes, I agree. It is nice to mish & mesh all the cuisines and have multinational homesickness dishes. Do you have a special one? About the Archives, I am working on a recipe index, tedious but coming soon. N. xx

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